New Edition Pantone GP6102A Coated Uncoated Color Bridge Set Laboratory Supplies. Compare 2, 139 Pantone Spot colors with their closest, industry-standard CMYK color matches.
Specify and manage color across print graphics, digital design. Provides CMYK, HTML, and RGB values for Pantone Matching System (PMS) Spot Colors.
Two compact fan decks for easy viewing and portability. Quickly illustrates how closely basic industry CMYK printing can match to Pantone Spot colors.
CMYK, HTML, and RGB values with Pantone colors. The color bridge presents the effect of copying Pantone Spot colors with four-color overlays, which facilitates cross-platform color management. When overprinting is required, graphic and print designers can view Pantone spot colors side-by-side with the close-in industrial-grade CMYK analog colors.
The corresponding HTML and RGB values are provided for digital design applications.